

workout quote的相關標籤

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Watch it to the end. #stoke 😂 要看到最後! #開心😂 English below - 最近每個禮拜只能去上幾次瑜伽課,不過每次下課後都會在教室再待一下子,練習手倒立什麼的。今天覺得肩膀跟手好像比較有力,所以就想說,不然 pincha (孔雀羽毛式)多練幾下,學習怎麼摔倒(我一直以來不敢不靠牆上去,因為怕腿往後倒時,肩膀會轉得很奇怪,怕拉傷) 結果我今天越摔越順 (不怕摔了),然後還真的在空中停住了!沒有人看到,可是我一個人在那邊超開心!(你看後面誇張的表情就知道😂 哈哈哈哈 #瘋子 #為什麼我又覺得這個是我哥哥平常會做的表情🤪 ) - 但是今天分享的重點是: 真的是「有練習就有成果!」🤟🏽 所以順便附上我喜歡的激勵句: The most effective way to do it, is to do it.「效率最高的練習法就是:練習!」👊🏽😉🔥 星期五快樂呀!👅 - 💙衝浪瑜珈苦 褲 SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel 💙 - Recently I have only gone to yoga class one to three times a week (before I used to go every day), but every time after class I took some time to practice handstand against the wall. Today I felt strong in my shoulders and arms, so I went for the Pincha pose (forearm balance stand). I thought “I’ll just do it and learn how to fall today” (because normally I only do it with the wall, because I’m afraid of injuring myself - the fall can be really weird, and once I twisted my shoulders in a shi**y way) - And guess what happened today, after falling and falling? At one point I held it for 20seconds! I was so freaking HAPPY muahahaha!!! (see my crazy expression in the end haha…😂🙈 #psycho #sorrynotsorry 🤪) - I am so happy the whole day today after I achieved this in the morning. It is just so true that for whatever you are willing to put in TIME and WORK, you WILL IMPROVE! There is no other way! - Recently I read a funny quote, and I’ve been sharing it with my friends that ask too many questions about how to achieve a new goal: “The most effective way to do it, is to DO it. “ 👊🏽😉🔥 Happy fridayyyyyyy!!!! 👻 - 💙Surf yoga leggings by SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel 💙 . . . . . . . . . #yoga #pincha #forearmbalance #forearmstand #手倒立 #瑜伽 #yogi #yogataiwan #taiwanyoga #yogapractice #practicemakesperfect #practicewhatyoupreach #betteryourself #practice #patience #perseverence #fitlife #workout #kaohsiung #耐心 #練習 #surfaceapparel #surfacebikinis #surfacequeen

Watch it to the end. #stoke 😂 要看到最後! #開心😂 English ...